While My Guitar Gently Weeps . George Harrison

lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

1943-1960: Los primeros años

George Harold Harrison French nació el 25 de febrero de 1943 en el 12 de Arnold Grove, Liverpool, Inglaterra, en el seno de una familia católica y de ascendencia irlandesa por parte de su madre, Louise . Su padre, Harold Harrison, había sido marino hasta que abandonó su puesto y desempeñó el de conductor de autobus. Acudió a la escuela infantil Dovedale Road, cerca de Penny Lane, al mismo tiempo que John Lennon . A los once años, tras pasar una prueba, le fue concedida una plaza en el Liverpool Institute for Boys, edificio hoy en día convertido en el Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, en el cual conoció a Paul McCartney. A los doce años, poco antes de dar inicio el curso, fue ingresado en el hospital debido a una nefritis. Durante su convalecencia compró su primera guitarra, una Egmond, a un compañero de Dovedale, Raymond Hughes, por 3 libras con 10 chelines.

Poco después, al tiempo que conseguía su primera "guitarra decente", una Hofner President, forma su primer grupo tras el auge del skiffle: The Rebels, junto a su hermano Peter y Arthur Kelly . Entre los artistas que influyen en su forma de tocar destacan Elvis Presley, Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Fats Domino, Bill Halley, Eddie Cochran, Lonnie Donegan y Chet Atkins. Más tarde, Harrison es presentado por Paul McCartney a John Lennon e ingresa en The Quarry Men, que posteriormente, tras cambiar varias veces de nombre, acabará denominándose The Beatles.

Tras abandonar la escuela en 1959, alternó durante poco tiempo su afición a la música con un trabajo de aprendiz de electricista. El entrenamiento ayudó a hacer de Harrison el miembro más eficaz del grupo a la hora de experimentar nuevos sonidos y de arreglar equipaciones. A mediados de los 60, fue el primero en equipar su casa de Esher con un estudio personal donde podría componer y trabajar con mayor eficacia.

1943-1960: Los primeros años En los primeros días de The Quarrymen, McCartney animó a Harrison a que se uniera. Al comienzo, y debido a su temprana edad, era visto con desconfianza por los otros miembros del grupo . En un principio, Harrison no podía considerarse como un guitarrista virtuoso, si bien el hecho de que supiera suficientes acordes para tocar varios temas hizo que John Lennon le aceptara en el grupo. Pese a ello, a finales de los 60, el entrenamiento hizo de Harrison un guitarrista más fluido y creativo, realizando las labores de guitarrista principal y rítmico. Más adelante, entrados los 70, el sonido que conseguía con la guitarra slide se convertiría en su sello personal.

Harrison fue el primero de los Beatles en llegar a los Estados Unidos con el fin de visitar a su hermana, Louise, en Benton, Illinois, en septiembre de 1963, cinco meses antes de la aparición del grupo en The Ed Sullivan Show . Durante la visita, George visitó una tienda de discos y compró varios singles sin que el dueño le conociera debido al escaso conocimiento que tenían los estadounidenses acerca de la música pop británica. A su regreso a Inglaterra, comentó a sus compañeros de grupo que sería difícil cosechar el éxito en América.

Durante la Beatlemanía, Harrison fue caracterizado como el "Beatle tranquilo", debido a su carácter introspectivo y su tendencia a un segundo plano en las conferencias de prensa. A pesar de la imagen de "Beatle tranquilo", la mayoría de compañeros y amigos, como Eric Idle, miembro de Monty Python, aseguran que en las distancias cortas era muy hablador y dicharachero, contraponiéndose a la imagen que solía tener de él la prensa .

Durante el primer viaje de The Beatles a los Estados Unidos en febrero de 1964, Harrison recibió un nuevo modelo de guitarra, el "360/12", de la compañía Rickenbacker, eléctrica y con doce cuerdas, que comenzaría a tocar en futuros álbumes del grupo. Roger McGuinn, interesado en el sonido, adoptó como modelo propio el 360/12, dando lugar al sonido característico de las canciones de The Byrds.

Harrison escribió su primera canción, "Don't Bother Me", durante un día de convalecencia en cama, en 1963, con el fin de probar, como declararía posteriormente, "si era capaz de componer un tema". La canción aparece publicada en el álbum With the Beatles de 1963 y en su versión americana de 1964 Meet the Beatles!. Si bien para el siguiente álbum del grupo, Beatles For Sale, también había compuesto un tema, éste fue descartado, olvidando la composición hasta que contribuyera al álbum Help! con los temas "I Need You" y "You Like Me Too Much".

Harrison fue el cantante de todas las canciones compuestas por él en su etapa con The Beatles. Asimismo, también cantó temas de otros artistas, incluyendo "Chains" y "Do You Want to Know a Secret" en Please Please Me, "Roll Over Beethoven" y "Devil In Her Heart" en With the Beatles, "I'm Happy Just to Dance With You" en A Hard Day's Night, y "Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby" en Beatles For Sale.

Un importante punto de inflexión en su carrera musical tuvo lugar durante la gira americana de 1965, en la que David Crosby de The Byrds introdujo a Harrison en la cultura india a través de la música de Ravi Shankar. Muy pronto, quedó fascinado con el especial sonido de su música, permitiendo la lenta introducción de la misma en la cultura occidental. Tras comprar un sitar poco después de dar por finalizada la gira de 1965, fue el primer músico de la cultura pop en introducir el instrumento en un álbum de estudio, especialmente en la canción "Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)", del álbum Rubber Soul.

Otro importante momento de su vida tuvo lugar durante el rodaje de la película Help! en las islas Bahamas, al entregarle un hindú un libro sobre la reencarnación. También por aquel tiempo mantuvo una decisiva correspondencia con Joan Mascaró tras leer la versión de los Upanishads de aquel excepcional traductor mallorquín [6] . Su interés por la cultura hindú se expandería formalmente al abrazar el hinduísmo. En una peregrinación con su mujer Pattie a la India entre la última gira de The Beatles en 1966 y el inicio de las grabaciones de Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Harrison estudió lecciones de sitar, conoció a varios gurús y visitó sitios sagrados, acercándose así a la cultura oriental. Poco después, de vuelta a Inglaterra, conoció a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, a quien presentó al resto del grupo para iniciar unos ejercicios de meditación transcendental que tendría lugar a comienzos de 1968 en Rishikesh.

En el verano de 1969, produjo el single "Hare Krishna Mantra", interpretado por devotos del templo londinense de Radha-Krishna. El mismo año, él y John Lennon conocieron a A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, fundador de la Sociedad Internacional para la Conciencia de Krishna (ISKCON). Poco después, Harrison abrazaría la tradición Hare Krishna, en particular el canto del mantra usado como meditación privada y llamado japa-yoga, técnicamente similar al rosario en la tradición católica.

A medida que transcurría el tiempo, las composiciones de Harrison fueron haciéndose más notables, pasando de un segundo plano a competir con las composiciones de Lennon y McCartney en materia de calidad. Entre 1965 y 1970, los temas compuestos por George Harrison fueron: "If I Needed Someone", "I Want to Tell You", "Think For Yourself", "Taxman", "Within You Without You", "Blue Jay Way", "Only a Northern Song", "Old Brown Shoe", "If I Needed Someone", "I Need You", "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" (con Eric Clapton en la guitarra), "Piggies", "Savoy Truffle", "Something", "The Inner Light", "Here Comes the Sun", "I Me Mine" y "For You Blue" [7] .

Los roces entre Harrison, Lennon y McCartney comenzaron a hacerse patentes a partir de la muerte de Brian Epstein, mánager del grupo, y en especial desde las sesiones de grabación de The Beatles, llegando a intentar dejar el grupo por aquel momento. Entre 1967 y 1969, McCartney expresó en más de una ocasión su insatisfación con la forma de tocar de Harrison. Las tensiones entre ambos quedan patentes durante los ensatos del proyecto Get Back en Twickenham Studios, que acabará por editarse como documental bajo el título Let It Be, donde Harrison acaba por decir con sorna: "Bien, no me importa. Tocaré lo que quieras que toque o no tocaré nada si no quieres que toque nada. Todo lo que sea por complacerte, lo haré." Descontento con las pobres condiciones en las que se desarrollaban las sesiones y aletargado por las horas de trabajo, Harrison acabará por abandonar el grupo el 10 de enero, si bien retornará a su trabajo el 22 del mismo mes tras dos reuniones de negocios .

Las relaciones internas del grupo se desarrollaron más cordiales durante las sesiones de grabación de Abbey Road, en las que se incluyen las composiciones de Harrison "Something" y "Here Comes The Sun". "Something" ha sido reconocido como uno de los mejores trabajos de The Beatles tanto por Elvis Presley como por Frank Sinatra, si bien, a modo de anécdota, Sinatra comentó acerca de la canción que era su "composición de Lennon/McCartney favorita". La creciente productividad de Harrison al final de la vida de The Beatles le permitiría recopilar suficiente material para desarrollar una carrera musical en solitario bastante exitosa y larga, que daría comienzo a partir de la última sesión junto al resto del grupo el 4 de enero de 1970, con 26 años .

sábado, 26 de enero de 2008

Traveling Wilburys........Inside Out-George Harrison

Traveling Wilburys-Wilbury Twist

She´s my baby

Traveling Wilburys - 3 outtakes


The Traveling Wilburys : Handle With Care

Long, Long, Long - George Harrison Tribute

George Harrison - Stuck Inside A Cloud

George Harrison Poor Little Girl (audio)

George Harrison - Taxman (Live in Japan 1991)

George Harrison - Cheer Down (Live in Japan) 1991

George Harrison - What is Life

George Harrison - This is Love

George Harrison - When we was fab 1987

George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You (Band Version)

George Harrison I Don't Want To Do It (audio) bob dylan

George Harrison -- All Those Years Ago

George Harrison - Faster

George Harrison sings ISN'T IT A PITY

George Harrison - MY SWEET LORD

jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

Fotos para fans

martes, 22 de enero de 2008

The Beatles - Love You To

The Beatles - Love You To

Copyright - 1966 EMI Records Ltd.

"Love You To" is a song by The Beatles from the album Revolver. It is sung and written by George Harrison and features a tabla, an Indian drum played with the hands, as well as a sitar and a tamboura drone. Ringo Starr is the only other Beatle playing on the song, shaking a tambourine. Paul McCartney originally recorded background vocals for the song, but those were left out of the final mix.

It was the first Beatles song that seriously attempted to incorporate classical Indian music. Harrison was learning the sitar from Ravi Shankar, who inspired him to learn more about Indian music and Eastern religion.

The working title of the song was "Granny Smith."

A brief portion of the song was included in The Beatles animated film Yellow Submarine when Harrison's character is first introduced.

Sorry about the Rain/Paperback Writer session picture. It was the only good picture from 1966.

Each day just goes so fast
I turn around, it's past
You don't get time to hang a sign on me
Love me while you can
Before I'm a dead old man

A life time is so short
A new one can't be bought
But what you've got means such a lot to me
Make love all day long
Make love singing songs

Make love all day long
Make love singing songs

There's people standing round
Who'll screw you in the ground
They'll fill you in with all their sins, you'll see

I'll make love to you
If you want me to

The Beatles - Love You To

The Beatles - Love You To

Copyright - 1966 EMI Records Ltd.

"Love You To" is a song by The Beatles from the album Revolver. It is sung and written by George Harrison and features a tabla, an Indian drum played with the hands, as well as a sitar and a tamboura drone. Ringo Starr is the only other Beatle playing on the song, shaking a tambourine. Paul McCartney originally recorded background vocals for the song, but those were left out of the final mix.

It was the first Beatles song that seriously attempted to incorporate classical Indian music. Harrison was learning the sitar from Ravi Shankar, who inspired him to learn more about Indian music and Eastern religion.

The working title of the song was "Granny Smith."

A brief portion of the song was included in The Beatles animated film Yellow Submarine when Harrison's character is first introduced.

Sorry about the Rain/Paperback Writer session picture. It was the only good picture from 1966.

Each day just goes so fast
I turn around, it's past
You don't get time to hang a sign on me
Love me while you can
Before I'm a dead old man

A life time is so short
A new one can't be bought
But what you've got means such a lot to me
Make love all day long
Make love singing songs

Make love all day long
Make love singing songs

There's people standing round
Who'll screw you in the ground
They'll fill you in with all their sins, you'll see

I'll make love to you
If you want me to

Tema de George cantado por Ringo

This is my video about the most famous drummer in the rock'n'roll history - Ringo Starr. The song you can hear is titled "I'll Still Love You". It was written by George Harrison. You can find it on "Ringo's Rotogravure" album (1976)

Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton,George Harrison,Tom Petty,Niel Young

Patti Boyd Interview, George Harrison, Eric Clapton

lunes, 21 de enero de 2008


"This Is Love" is a song by George Harrison and is the fifth track on his 1987 studio album Cloud Nine. In June 1988, the song was also released as the third single from that album, peaking at #55 in the UK Singles Chart.

The original B-side for this single was "Handle with Care," a collaboration between Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, and Tom Petty at Bob Dylan's studio in Santa Monica, California. When executives at Harrison's distributor Warner Bros. Records heard the track, they realized it was too good to be released as single "filler," a decision that resulted in the formation of the Traveling Wilburys and the album Traveling Wilburys Vol. 1 with "Handle with Care" as the lead track and single


When We Was Fab" is a song written by George Harrison about the days of Beatlemania, when The Beatles were sometimes referred to as the "Fab Four". The song appears as the sixth track on Harrison's 1987 album Cloud Nine and was later released as the second single from that album in January 1988. In the United Kingdom, it peaked at #25 in the UK Singles Chart, and in the United States, the song peaked at #23 in Billboard magazine's Hot 100 singles chart.

The music video that accompanied the song also referenced the other three former Beatles. Ringo Starr appears prominently first as Harrison's assistant and then as the drummer. A man dressed up in a Walrus costume playing a left-handed bass guitar refers to Paul McCartney (who was asked to appear as well but was not available. John Lennon, who died in 1980, is represented by some passer-by carrying his Imagine album.

Also making guest appearances in the video are Gary Wright, Elton John, Derek Taylor, Jeff Lynne, Ray Cooper and Neil Aspinall


"Got My Mind Set on You" is a song written by Rudy Clark and originally recorded by James Ray in 1962.

A cover version by former Beatle George Harrison from his album Cloud Nine reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100 in January 1988. Two music videos were released for that song and a young Alexis Denisof starred in the music video. Produced by Harrison and former ELO member Jeff Lynne, the song was his third and last solo US number one, after "My Sweet Lord" in 1970 and "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace on Earth)" in 1973. It was also the last number one single, to date, by any of the solo Beatles in the United States. The single's B-side is "Lay His Head", written by Harrison. The 12" version of the single also adds an extended version of "Got My Mind Set On You". The song was #3 in the United World Chart.

Harrison's version of the song was parodied by "Weird Al" Yankovic on his 1988 album Even Worse, as "(This Song's Just) Six Words Long

The Beatles le dedican un tema a George

A Beatles dedication video about John & George. Second one done, a little longer. This time with a George song

"Love (Beatles - John & George)"

Dhani's Birthday-El hijo de George

Learning How To Love You -George Harrison

Crackerbox Palace

Crackerbox Palace from George Harrison's 1976 album Thirty Three and 1/3.

Sat Singing

Song rejected by Warner brothers for George's Somewhere in England album

George Harrison / Ukulele Bartt


George Harrison - Between The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea

george harrison -flying hour

George Harrison - True Love

Released February 18, 1977, This was the third single from George's excellent album Thirty Three and a Third. A pun on the record's playing speed and George's age at the time of release

George Harrison (1943-2001) Part 2 of 2

George Harrison Last Film

su última película

George Harrison and Eric Clapton interview (part 1)

entrevista en japonés.Y bueno,imaginen

George Harrison 1991 - Fish On The Sand

Vivo en Japón

George Harrison Tribute - I Need You

Tribute to George Harrison video to his song "I Need You."

George Harrison - Too Sexy

George Harrison Beautiful Girl Demo

jueves, 17 de enero de 2008

For You Blue (part 1)

Beatles 1969_For You Blue-George

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2008

While My Guitar Gently Weeps - George Harrison

martes, 15 de enero de 2008

Beatles Reunion

Beatles 1969_I Me Mine outtakes

The Beatles - Anthology 1 (Part 1 - Subtitulos español)

George Harrison ❤ Never Without You

lunes, 14 de enero de 2008

Give me life (Call me) - Marisa Monte-tributo a George-

George Harrison 1991 - Love Comes To Everyone

George Harrison - Here Comes The Sun (Live)

Deep Purple and George Harrison - Lucille - Live 1984


Jets Overhead

Jets Overhead perform their song "George Harrison" live. . . somewhere in Alberta.

Here Comes The Sun - George Harrison Live In JAPAN

Live performance of George Harrison-recomendado-

A Live performance of George Harrison's "Beware of Darkness" from a 1971 benefit performance for UNICEF called "Concert for Bangladesh". It was the first fundraising concert of this kind. The other singer is Leon Russell. The concert also included Eric, Ringo, Billy Preston, Klaus Voorman, Jesse Ed Davis and others

George Harrison - Taxman (Live in Japan 1991)Recomendado

Con Eric Clapton

George Harrison Piggies (Live) London 1992

His last concert in London 1992

George Harrison - If not for you- Live 1992

George Harrison only live perfomance of the song at the Bob Dylan Tribute concert held at the Madison Square Garden in 1992

George Harrison - Cheer Down (Live in Japan) 1991

George Harrison - Give Me Love (Live in Japan)

From his late 80s/early 90s tour of Japan with Eric Clapton. Video released with the rerelease of "Living in the Material World" on remastered CD

George Harrison - All those years ago

domingo, 13 de enero de 2008

Fotos y regalitos para que se sirvan

George Harrison's Brainwashed

George Harrison's sitar-lesson with Ravi Shankar

George Harrison- Any Road

George Harrison gets shocked!

Poor George! He gets an electrical shock ... twice

Dos veces recibe un shock eléctrico.Pobre George..¡¡¡

The Pirate Song (colour) George Harrison

Heres the full colour version of The Pirate Song from George Harrison from Rutland Weekend Televison BBC 1975. Also starring Neil Innes and Eric Idle. Contains the end of the previous sketch too

George Harrison - Smothers Brothers TV Appearance 1968

George Harrison makes a surprise appearance on "The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour." Originally broadcast on November 17, 1968. Short but sweet - and incredibly sexy!

Weird Al George Harrison Interview

George Harrison - World of Stone (Extra Texture)

George Harrison - This Guitar Can't Keep From Crying (2006)

You - George Harrison

A Cloudburst Doesn't Last All Day - Harrison Tribute

A picture tribute to my favourite Beatle, a wonderful man named George Harrison. He was born on 25 February 1943 and died on November 29 2001 at age of 58.
The video turned out to be a bit long 'cause I tried to include most of his Beatle songs and 'Beautiful Girl' off his solo album.
Anyway, there are many reasons why I respect this man greatly. I wish I'd learned to apprecciate everything he did earlier and that I'd had a chance to live during The Era so I'd really understand what it was all about. It's sad to think that he's not with us anymore but his songs will live on

George Harrison Be Here Now

George Harrison: I Got My Mind Set On You (1987)

Dark Horse - The Light that has Lighted the World

Dark Horse tributo a George Harrison en Mr Jones.

Nicolás Salvador, guitarra y voz

Mauro Valenti, guitarra y voz

Franco Saldarelli, bajo y voz

Federico Petrozzino, guitarra y voz

Tomás Teitelbaum, teclados

Gustavo Colamussi, batería

Thanks for the Pepperoni - George Harrison

George Harrison - Love Comes To Everyone

George Harrison - Hear Me Lord

George Harrison Art of Dying (audio)

i dig love-by george

All Things Must Pass - A George Harrison Tribute

A tribute to the late George Harrison that I made to the tune of "All Things Must Pass

George Harrison - Awaiting On You All Concert For Bangladesh

Awaiting On You All

George Harrison, "Awaiting On You All" from the album: All Things Must Pass

Apple Scruffs

Es lamentable lo difícil de conseguir videos en vivo con George cantando.

sábado, 12 de enero de 2008

I'm So Tired

Copyright - 1968 EMI Records Ltd.

"I'm So Tired" is a Beatles song from the double-disc album The Beatles (also known as The White Album).

It was primarily written by John Lennon, though credited to Lennon-McCartney. Lennon wrote the song at a Transcendental Meditation camp when he couldn't sleep. The Beatles had gone on a retreat to study with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Rishikesh, India. After three weeks of constant meditation and lectures, Lennon missed his soon-to-be wife, Yoko Ono, and wrote this song. The fact it was recorded at three in the morning enhances the sentiment.

The song also mentions famed English author and explorer Sir Walter Raleigh by name in an ironic context, calling him a "stupid git" for bringing the tobacco plant to England.

The song was recorded at Abbey Road on 8 October 1968 and was completed including all overdubs in this one session. The Beatles also started and completed the Lennon-composed 'The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill' during the same recording session.

Relation to the 'Paul is dead' Hoax
At the end of this song, mumbling can be heard that sounds like "Ssim mih, ssim mihm, ssim mih. Nam ded see lope." When played backwards, some claim a scared voice intones, "Paul is dead, man, miss him, miss him, MISS HIM!" although there have been other claims that on different versions of this song, Lennon can be heard mumbling the words "Monsieur, monsieur, monsieur, how about another one?" The mumbling may be Lennon's attempt at speaking in reverse, without physically reversing the sound.

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink
No, no, no

I'm so tired, I don't know what to do
I'm so tired, my mind is set on you
I wonder should I call you but I know what you'd do
You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke
It's doing me harm, you know I can't sleep
I can't stop my brain, you know it's three weeks
I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind

I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired, I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get
You'd say I'm putting you on
But it's no joke
It's doing me harm, you know I can't sleep
I can't stop my brain, you know it's three weeks
I'm going insane
You know I'd give you everything I've got
for a little peace of mind
give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind
give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind

viernes, 11 de enero de 2008

George Harrisson, Eric Clapton, Ringo Starr and Elton John

While my guitar gently weeps

Dehra Duhn-George Harrison

Live performance of George Harrisons "Beware of Darkness"

A Live performance of George Harrison's "Beware of Darkness" from a 1971 benefit performance for UNICEF called "Concert for Bangladesh". It was the first fundraising concert of this kind. The other singer is Leon Russell. The concert also included Eric, Ringo, Billy Preston, Klaus Voorman, Jesse Ed Davis and others

George Harrison Run Of The Mill Demo

Let It Down - George Harrison, All Things Must Pass

Let It Down from George Harrison's first solo album, All Things Must Pass. Probably the best song from the album, and one of the best of the Beatles' solo songs

If Not For You - Dylan/Harrison Duet

An outtake from the Concert for Bangla Desh, with George Harrison and Bob Dylan singing Dylan's 1970 song "If Not For You."

George Harrison - If not for you- Live 1992

George Harrison - What is Life

George Harrison - Taxman (Live in Japan 1991)

Con Eric Clapton

George Harrison sings ISN'T IT A PITY

George Harrison - Wah Wah

Concert for Bangladesh. Harrison and friends. * Eric Clapton * Bob Dylan * George Harrison * Billy Preston * Leon Russell * Ringo Starr * Ravi Shankar * Ustad Ali Akbar Khan * Ustad Alla Rakha * Kamala Chakravarty

George Harrison - MY SWEET LORD

George Harrison sings "My sweet Lord" during the Concert for Bangladesh (1972

George Harrison - I'd Have You Anytime

I'd Have You Anytime from George Harrison's album All Things Must Pass with pictures and video clips of him

George Harrison - This Guitar Can't Keep From Crying (2006)

New version for this track from George's 1975 album 'Extra texture'. Completed by Dave Stewart for his new project, the band "Platinum Weird".
Download the original MP3 file

George Harrison on the Soul

Listen to George Harrison speak about the transcendental nature of the soul

George habla sobre la naturaleza transcendental del Alma.

Dream Scene" by George Harrison

This is one of the selections from George Harrison's soundtrack for the movie "Wonderwall"! It was composed while he was still one of The Beatles and still considerably influenced by all things Indian including the sitar. This is a shortened version of the song on the album and it is my absolute favorite! I have for years tried my best to find out who the Indian man and woman are who are singing this tune, but have thus far been unsuccessful.

George Harrison Wonderwall Music - Red Lady Too

A song from the film "Wonderwall", for George Harrison

Wonderwall to be here" by George Harrison + "Cowboy music"

jueves, 10 de enero de 2008

The Beatles - You Like Me Too Much

The Beatles - You Like Me Too Much

Copyright - 1965 EMI Records Ltd.

"You Like Me Too Much" is a song by The Beatles written by George Harrison. It was recorded on 17 February 1965. It was first released on the Help! album in the UK and on Beatles VI in the U.S., both in 1965.

There is an introduction using piano and electric piano, with Paul McCartney and George Martin playing two different piano parts on separate ends of the same Steinway grand piano. The Steinway appears only in the song's intro and was overdubbed separately, as was McCartney's bass. The electric piano is a Hohner Pianet, and you can hear the instrument's tremolo being switched off after the intro.


Though you're gone away this morning
you'll be back again tonight
telling me there'll be no next time
if I just don't treat you right
You'll never leave me and you know it's true
'Cause you like me too much and I like you

You've tried before to leave me
but you haven't got the nerve
to walk out and make me lonely
which is all that I deserve
You'll never leave me and you know it's true
'Cause you like me too much and I like you
I really do

And it's nice when you believe me
If you leave me
I will follow you and bring
you back where you belong
'Cause I couldn't really stand it
I admit that I was wrong
I wouldn't let you leave me 'cause it's true
'cause you like me too much and I like you

'Cause you like me too much and I like you
I really do

And it's nice when you believe me
If you leave me
I will follow you and bring
you back where you belong
'Cause I couldn't really stand it
I admit that I was wrong
I wouldn't let you leave me 'cause it's true
'cause you like me too much and I like you
'cause you like me too much and I like you

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2008

Muerte de George Harrison-en español."recomendado"

Crónica de la muerte de George Harrison en Noticieros Televisa, con Joaquín López Dóriga, el 29 de noviembre de 2001.

Contiene un video con 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' del álbum 'Love', con imágenes de la vida de George Harrison. Así mismo, contiene la última filmación de los tres Beatles sobrevivientes durante la edición de la 'Antología', cantando 'Ain't The Sweet'.

George Harrison 1943 - 2001 su muerte

Harrison's cancer recurred in 2001 and was found to have metastasised. Despite aggressive treatment, it was soon found to be terminal. He set about getting his affairs in order and spent his final months with his family and close friends. He also worked on songs for an album with his son Dhani, which was released after his death.
Harrison died on 29 November 2001. He was 58 years old.[26] Harrison's death was ascribed to lung cancer that had metastasised to the brain. He was cremated and, although it was widely reported that his ashes were scattered in the Ganges River, the ceremony was not conducted at the expected time.[27] The actual disposition of the ashes has not been publicly disclosed

George Harrison - While My Guitar Gently Weeps - Subtitulado


George Harrison - The Quiet One (Part5)

George Harrison - The Quiet One (Part1)

George Harrison - Dark Horse Years (Subtitulos Español)

George habla sobre el juicio que tuvo por " My sweet lord "

George Harrison - Dark Horse Years (Subtitulos Español)

George Harrison Last Film-All things must pass

George Harrison-This Song

George Harrison Rare Material

Some rare songs from George Harrison I bet you quite haven't heard

El texto en ingles fue aportado por quien subió el audio.Realmente,no sé si es George quien canta.Si alguien lo sabe,por favor responda debajo de este aporte,en Comentarios.

Magical Mystery Tour Intro

Intro to the rare Magical Mystery Tour film created in the mind of Sir Paul McCartney.

The Beatles Help! Movie Trailer (1965)

Help! the follow-up film to the Beatles fantastically successfully A Hard Day's Night, is a funfilled adventure that takes us back to a simpler era - a time when The Beatles and a whole generation took themselves less seriously.

Help! follows the Fab Four on a worldwide jaunt around the globe.

John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr

Leo McKern
Eleanor Bron
Roy Kinnear
Victor Spinetti

Produced by Walter Shenson
Directed by Richard Lester
Story by Marc Behm
Screenplay by Marc Beam and Charles Wood

A Hard Day's Night Part 6-la película-

Algunas palabras y opiniones personales sobre el blog

Hola a todos.Mi nombre y nick lo conocen por mi perfil.Quería colocar unas palabras de entrada a estos blogs para poner algo más personal.Cuando Marcelo-mi compañero en este humilde emprendimiento-,me sugirió armar un Sitio sobre The Beatles y cada uno de ellos, quedé fascinada.Soy de la Generación.¡¡¡.El tema era la página principal-el grupo- y luego cada uno en particular.Se sabe-aunque a mí no me gusta-,que The Beatles siempre tuvo dos grandes,John y Paul. Debíamos hacer una repartija de los cuatro y escribí el nombre de estos dos-los más populares-,en dos papelitos a sorteo.Él se puso contento ya que su favorito es John.Yo me puse contenta ya que, yendo tal vez contra la corriente de sus millones de fans, admiro y reconozco a John como "artista y músico", pero nunca me gustó como persona.Es más,me saca de quicio.Para mí,John vendría a ser el Maradona argentino, muy bueno en su profesión pero insoportable como ser humano.Tal vez sea el precio de la fama.Y bien,a mi estilo simple y espontáneo, confieso que John Lennon me parecía un arrogante,autoritario,egocéntrico y bastante disfrazado en su personaje de trasgresor y excentrico.Todo el mundo piensa que The Beatles es John Lennon.Para mí,the Beatles eran John/Paul-Paul/John- y que Lennon perduró como mito-además de su brillante e indudable carrera-, por haber muerto joven y asesinado.Solo quería compartir con ustedes esta charla cotidiana.Y para concretar,mi preferido siempre fue George Harrison-y aquí también hablo del hombre y su personalidad-.Bienvenidos todos.

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

George Harrison (1943-2001)

George Harrison's Brainwashed

The Beatles-George Harrison Here comes the sun

the beatles - HELTER SKELTER

The Beatles - Help!

The beatles- Twist and Shout

George Harrison - Rising Sun

Track From Album Brainwashed Released In 2002 Shortly After His Death! Jeff Lynne Produced And Polished Up George's Basic Track Along With George's Son Dhani! I Added Rare Pics Of George, Shots Taken Just Before He Died

Vida familiar

El 2 de septiembre de 1978, Harrison contrajo matrimonio por segunda vez con Olivia Trinidad Arias. Poco tiempo después, nacería su primer y único hijo, Dhani Harrison, que guarda tal parecido a su padre que sirvió a Paul McCartney de anécdota en el Concert for George, diciendo al público: "Olivia me dijo que en este escenario parece que George permaneció joven mientras todos nosotros envejecimos.", en referencia a Dhani.

Vida familiar

Vida familiar .Harrison contrajo matrimonio con la modelo Pattie Boyd, a la que conoció en el rodaje de la película A Hard Day's Night, el 21 de enero de 1966 en el registro civil de Esher, con Paul McCartney como testigo. A finales de los años 60, Eric Clapton se enamoró de Pattie, dejando patente su amor en la canción "Layla". Poco tiempos después, Pattie Boyd abandonó a Harrison para casarse con Eric Clapton; sin embargo, ambos siguieron manteniendo una fuerte amistad.

Layla - Clapton & Others

The True Story Of The Traveling Wilburys part 1

The True Story Of The Traveling Wilburys with Bob Dylan, George Harrison, Tom Petty, Roy Orbison and Jeff Lynne

Tras la disolución del grupo en 1970, Harrison siguió una prestigiosa carrera musical tanto en solitario como dentro del supergrupo Traveling Wilburys, oculto tras los seudónimos de Nelson Wilbury y Spike Wilbury. Asimismo, desarrolló una carrera de productor cinematográfico, creando la compañía Handmade Films en la que dio cabida como actores a gente de la talla de Madonna y los Monty Python.

lunes, 7 de enero de 2008

George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You (Band Version)

En 1982 Salió a la venta el Gone Troppo, que fue un fracaso comercial. Fue entonces cuando Harrison decidió tomarse unas largas vacaciones y dejar a un lado las grabaciones, para correr su colección de autos deportivos, producir cine y dedicarse a otro tipo de actividades artísticas. De hecho fundó Hand Made Films, que produjo películas calificadas por algunos como clásicos ochenteros, como Time Bandits, y Life of Brain. Ya en 1987 regresa a las listas de popularidad con su disco más celebrado como solista, el cual tenía un sonido mucho más pop, producido por Jeff Lynne (ex Electric Light Orchestra), del cual se desprendió una rolita pegajosa I got my mind set on you, refrito de la canción del mismo nombre hecha por Rudy Clark.


Más tarde apareció el disco Living in the material world, que tuvo en Give me love un éxito que llegó a ser un número uno.

George Harrison - Here Comes The Sun

The concert for Bangladesh 1971



Ringo Starr- Back Off Boogaloo

Tema producido por George y Ringo


domingo, 6 de enero de 2008

while my guitar gently weeps special edition

While my guitar gently weeps performed by George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Elton John and Jeff Lyne

George Harrison Life Itself (audio)

George Harrison I Don't Want To Do It (audio) bob dylan

George Harrison -Window Window (audio)

"Something" by the beatles

Something-George Harrison

Something-George Harrison

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now

in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe her now

The Beatles - Flying / Blue Jay Way

Beatles Tribute (George Harrison) - If I Needed Someone

The Beatles - If I Needed Someone (Live in Japan 1966)

Don't Bother Me

Copyright - 1963 EMI Records Ltd.

"Don't Bother Me" is the first song written by George Harrison to appear on an album by The Beatles. It originally appeared on the group's With the Beatles album in the UK, released in 1964, and on their Meet the Beatles! album in the U.S., released in 1964.

Harrison wrote the song while sick in bed at a hotel room in Bournemouth, England (where The Beatles were playing some shows during the summer of 1963). Harrison never regarded it highly, stating on one occasion, "'It was a fairly crappy song. I forgot all about it completely once it was on the album." He considered it an exercise in whether he could write a song, later saying, "At least it showed me that all I needed to do was keep on writing and then maybe eventually I would write something good." Harrison receives a writing credit for two earlier songs, "In Spite of All the Danger" (Paul McCartney/Harrison) and "Cry for a Shadow" (Harrison/John Lennon). Both were recorded by The Beatles but neither was released officially by the band until 1995's Anthology 1 compilation. Because the former was largely a McCartney composition (Harrison received a credit simply for playing the guitar solo) and the latter was an instrumental pastiche of The Shadows, "Don't Bother Me" is considered Harrison's first song by most (including the author himself).

The sullen mood and desolate lyrics--"So go away, leave me alone, don't bother me"--were unusual for The Beatles at the time but would become characteristic for Harrison. The song mostly stays in a minor key and achieves a thick sound through its double-tracked vocal, reverbed guitars, and busy drumming. The elaborate percussion lends the song a Latin rhythm accentuated by its stop-time structure.

"Don't Bother Me" is one of several songs featured in A Hard's Day's Night, during a scene where The Beatles dance at a nightclub while Paul's grandfather gambles elsewhere.

Recorded 11-12 September 1963

Since she's been gone
I want no one
to talk to me
It's not the same
but I'm to blame
It's plain to see

So go away and leave me alone
Don't bother me

I can't believe
that she would leave
me on my own
It's just not right
where every night
I'm all alone

I've got no time for you right now
Don't bother me

I know I'll never be the same
If I don't get her back again
because I know she'll always be
The only girl for me

But till she's here
please don't come near
just stay away
I'll let you know
when she's come home
Till that the day

Don't come around leave me alone
Don't bother me

I've got no time for you right now
Don't bother me

I know I'll never be the same
If I don't get her back again
because I know she'll always be
The only girl for me

But till she's here
please don't come near
just stay away
I'll let you know
when she's come home
Till that the day

Don't come around leave me alone
Don't bother me
Don't bother me
Don't bother me (more) (less)

sábado, 5 de enero de 2008

I'm happy just to dance with you -cantando George

Cuando filmo su primera película con los Beatles " A Hard Day´s Night ", George conoció en dicho rodaje a la modelo Pettie Boyd con la que se casaría posteriormente.En esta película George tiene la oportunidad de cantar como solista la canción escrita por Lennon " I´m Happy Just To Dance With You ", la que canta a la perfección.Aunque George tenia buenas dotes como vocalista y compositor siempre estuvo a la sombra desus compañeros John y Paul los que verdaderamente lideraban el grupo.

Wonderwall (1968) Trailer -música de George Harrison

Trailer for the fantastic Swinging London film Wonderwall. Directed by Joe Massot, starring Jane Birkin, Jack Magowran and Iain Quarrier, with music by George Harrison

Wonderwall Titles: The rejected titles by George Harrison

En Noviembre del 68 compone la banda sonora de la película " Wonderwall "

These were supposed to be the original titles to Wonderwall, composed and performed by George Harrison (Beatles), but was rejected and instead The Remo Four recycled their song for it

viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

Let It Be- Film (Octopus's Garden) -"recomendado"

George ayuda a Ringo a componer Octopus's Garden para el film Let it be.

George Harrison - MY SWEET LORD

George Harrison sings "My sweet Lord" during the Concert for Bangladesh (1972)...

1970-1980 George

Tras la disolución de The Beatles en 1970, y tras años opacado por las sombras de Lennon y McCartney, publicó gran parte del material que había acumulado durante los últimos años en su proyecto más loado por la crítica, All Things Must Pass, el primer álbum triple de la historia musical.
All Things Must Pass supuso una entrada triunfal para la carrera musical en solitario de Harrison, acallando así las voces discrepantes que auguraban una mala carrera para él. Junto al álbum John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band de John Lennon y Ram de Paul McCartney, All Things Must Pass es considerado uno de los álbumes más trabajados por un Beatle en su carrera en solitario.
El álbum, que alcanzó el puesto #1 en las listas de éxitos británicas y estadounidenses, incluía los singles de éxito "My Sweet Lord" e "Isn't It A Pity", así como "What Is Life", que entró entre los diez primeros puestos. Años después, Harrison sería demandado debido a una violación de derechos de autor en "My Sweet Lord", donde supuestamente imita el single de The Chiffons "He's So Fine". Si bien Harrison negó la acusación, acabó perdiendo el juicio en 1976. Durante el mismo, la corte había aceptado la posibilidad de que Harrison hubiera "copiado subconscientemente" el éxito de The Chiffons como base a su propia canción, lo que utilizó para mofarse del tribunal en su tema "This Song", publicada en el álbum Thirty Three & 1/3. Las disputas por los derechos de autor continuaron en la década de los 90, con el antiguo mánager de The Beatles Allen Klein denunciando a Harrison tras comprar Bright Tunes, la compañía que poseía los derechos de autor de "He's So Fine". Finalmente, Harrison acabaría poseyendo los derechos de ambos temas-

George in OGNIR RRATS 1978


Harrison escribió su primera canción, "Don't Bother Me", durante un día de convalecencia en cama, en 1963, con el fin de probar, como declararía posteriormente, "si era capaz de componer un tema". La canción aparece publicada en el álbum With the Beatles de 1963 y en su versión americana de 1964 Meet the Beatles. Si bien para el siguiente álbum del grupo, Beatles For Sale, también había compuesto un tema, éste fue descartado, olvidando la composición hasta que contribuyera al álbum Help! con los temas "I Need You" y "You Like Me Too Much".

jueves, 3 de enero de 2008

The Beatles - Happy Just To Dance With You -canta George

I'm Happy Just To Dance With You" is a John Lennon and Paul McCartney composition recorded by The Beatles for the film soundtrack to A Hard Day's Night.It was written specifically for George Harrison to sing at a time when he lacked the confidence to compose his own material. McCartney described it as a "formula song", and Lennon said: "I would never have sung it myself"
No tiene buen audio, pero es un tesoro.

A Hard Day's Night -trailer de la película.

Cuando filmo su primera película con los Beatles " A Hard Day´s Night ", George conoció en dicho rodaje a la modelo Pettie Boyd con la que se casaría posteriormente.En esta película George tiene la oportunidad de cantar como solista la canción escrita por Lennon " I´m Happy Just To Dance With You "